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The purpose of this website is to be an archive of 4chan greentext screencaps, indexing them in a way that makes it easy to search through.
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Anon goes to explore a remote, abandoned mineshaft and has a spoopy experience. Posted 12/11/2023
Score: 6
A ghost girl is haunting the house where he and his family lives, and nothing is working to make her leave until he gets a novel idea. Posted 11/07/16
Score: 2
Anon describes multiple run-ins with a Skinwalker on his farm, and how the highland cattle come to his defence
Score: 2
Stories centered around an entity known as the flat man, in remote Yakut, Russia. Posted 01/03/21
Score: 4
Anon travels to his father's cabin in Wyoming, but something keeps tossing dead animals at the cabin. Posted 12/04/13
Score: 1
Anon and some friends go up to the Black Hills in NE Wyoming. It does not go well. Posted 02/28/13
Score: 2
Takes place in Northern Ontario. Posted 04/11/21
Score: 4
Camp Councellor Hawkeye experiences Spoops around an abandoned campsite Posted 10/10/13
Score: 2
Anon investigates an empty pickup truck with a horse trailer on the side of the road posted 02/06/11
Score: 1
Blackanon has a Goatman encounter while visiting family in Huntsville Alabama Posted 09/27/12
Score: 2