>The Greentext Archive

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Frequently asked questions

What is this site?

It's an archive, of greentexts. This website stores and indexes 4chan greentext screencaps in a way that makes them easy to search.

What makes this site different than other greentext sites?

The aim of this site is to make it easier to search greentexts. It uses optical character recognition and text post-processing on each image in an attempt to make it easier to search not just name, description and tags, but the actual content of the image. This process is not perfect, but I'm trying to impove accuracy.

How can I search for a greentext

Here! You can further refine your search by limiting results to particular categories and searching the contents of each image. Try to avoid terms that would appear in lots of screencaps, like "file", "anon" etc.
Content search may not be 100% accurate as the OCR software doesn't pick out words correctly all of the time.

Can I submit a screencap?

Yes! Click here and upload your screencap. It accepts jpg and png images, though png is preferred. You will need to provide a name for the screencap, a short description and some tags are optional, but help with categorization and indexing.

What can I submit?

Longer form 4chan screencaps, it doesn't need to be just greentext.
Don't upload screencaps containing anything illegal, copyrighted material or anything that might get the site shut down.

I submitted a greentext, but it's not showing up!

It can take a while for all the post processing that's needed for each image to be completed, especially if the image is large, of lower quality or there is a backlog.

It says that submission of greentexts is disabled

From time to time if the backlog of screencaps to be processed gets too big, I may disable user submissions until I'm on top of them again. Check back in a few days.

Can I report a greentext?

Yes, use the report button and fill out the form.

I've found two greentexts that are the same!

Use the report button and select "Duplicate image" as the reason, include the link to the duplicate in the more information box too.

How can I get in touch?

You can email me at admin [at] greentext.net

How can I suport this site?

Disable your adblocker and click on ads that interest you. I also accept crypto donations, either BTC or LTC. My wallet addresses are:

BTC: bc1qhqewy4jrnj0mj3hk3kwm7p0fhszlyyvrmkl9gt
LTC: ltc1qr5md2xpuvpcpxavqptre7gpz7h57jm8t4gxv9z