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Anon gets gnomed

Score: 16

Grandpa meets the devil

Anon's Grandpa meets the devil down in Southern Sardinia

Score: 8


Lady Lilith visits Anon in a dream

Score: 8

House sitting (Part 1)

Anon house sits for some family friends. Some weird shit starts to go down

Score: 6

House sitting (Part 2)

Anon house sits for some family friends. Some weird shit starts to go down

Score: 3

House sitting (Part 3)

Anon house sits for some family friends. Some weird shit starts to go down

Score: 3

Dream phone booth

Anon calls himself from a dream

Score: 8

Anon the Trucker

Anon describes his weird experiences as a long haul trucker

Score: 4

Death the killer

Anon tells the tale of mysterious disappearances in Soviet Russia

Score: -2

White monster

Anon describes his encounter with something in the badlands

Score: 8

Grandma and the severed head

Anon tells the story of his Grandma and her evil stepmother

Score: 8

Anon's Deer Experience (Part 3)

Russian anon describes his experience as a park ranger

Score: 0

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