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Mirror World

Anon tells us about the mirror world and how to get there

Score: 1

Cypress hills monster

Anon encounters a cryptid in Cypress Hills interprovincial park

Score: 3

Ghost Enjoys Frank Sinatra

Anon's tale of a ghost friend with good musical taste

Score: 4

Ontario dark sky preserve

Anon has an ominous dream that follows him to his hotel

Score: 1

The office in the middle of nowhere

redditfag stumbles upon a cp datacenter in the aussie outback and lives to tell the tale

Score: 2

Old Nan

Anon explores a haunted house in New Brunswick and discovers it is indeed haunted

Score: 5

Security anon adventures

Anon tells spooky tales of his time as a security guard

Score: 4

Adolf Skinwalker

Anon tells of his encounter with a cryptid that specializes in zyklon and zyklon accessories

Score: 8


Anon grows up in the Plague Village

Score: 4

Anon is invited to accidentally kill himself by an evil ghost

Ghost in his grandparents' house tries to get anon to jump down an elevator shaft.

Score: 7

Dream factory (part 2)

Anon has recurring dreams of a strange facility

Score: 1

Dream factory (part 3)

Anon has recurring dreams of a strange facility

Score: 0

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