Category: /x/
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Mirror World
Anon tells us about the mirror world and how to get there
Cypress hills monster
Anon encounters a cryptid in Cypress Hills interprovincial park
Ghost Enjoys Frank Sinatra
Anon's tale of a ghost friend with good musical taste
Ontario dark sky preserve
Anon has an ominous dream that follows him to his hotel
The office in the middle of nowhere
redditfag stumbles upon a cp datacenter in the aussie outback and lives to tell the tale
Old Nan
Anon explores a haunted house in New Brunswick and discovers it is indeed haunted
Security anon adventures
Anon tells spooky tales of his time as a security guard
Adolf Skinwalker
Anon tells of his encounter with a cryptid that specializes in zyklon and zyklon accessories
Anon grows up in the Plague Village
Anon is invited to accidentally kill himself by an evil ghost
Ghost in his grandparents' house tries to get anon to jump down an elevator shaft.
Dream factory (part 2)
Anon has recurring dreams of a strange facility
Dream factory (part 3)
Anon has recurring dreams of a strange facility