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love triangle +5 -

anon scores bitches, problem ensues

Categories: /b/

Oh Soup /b/
Time for high school stories, I'll start
>be 15
>be best friends with arrogant douche
>douche's name is billie
hang out one day
>go to mall
>go pick up chicks
>find group of 3
>one far chick
>2 hot ones
>fat chick has to leave
>both like 1 gi
>girls name is jean
>get her number
>be friends for 1 year
>friend admits he loves her
>asks out jean
>rejects him tells him she loves me
>ffiend gets mad
>she tells him she's preggers with my child
>billie comes over to my house
>demands explanation
>billie jean is not my lover
>she's just a girl who says that I am the one
>the kid is not my son