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Tomboy daughter +17 -

Anon's daughter starts to grow up

Categories: /b/ , wincest , nsfw , daughter

I'll post the green text up to the point we're waiting at.
>18 years on this gay earth, circa 2005
>fairly beta but decent looking and smart
>Had an online girliend of a couple years, met through EQ and then played WOW together from launch
>she's 22 and married but her husband is a military cuck and idgaf
>2 year old daughter
>She flies out to see me, brings daughter along
>rents a hotel room for the weekend, takes my virginity with 2yo watching us from the other bed
>I'm convinced that I love this woman and was meant to be with her
>2 years later she divorces her husband and moves in with me in my first apartment with 4yo daughter
>legally marry, no money for ceremony
>happiest day of my life at the time
>constant loud sex in our single bedroom
>4yo's bed is next to ours
>we agree once she turns 5 we can't do it in front of her any more

>9 months into the marriage
>of course this bitch is crazy
>I'm a total fucking idiot,
>she wont get a job, binge eats everything in the house, drinks and plays WOW, doesn't clean shit, is getting fat
>I'm working 3 jobs in 5-6 hours sleep daily
>no more sex
>she completely ignores her daughter
half the time I take the kid to work with me so she at least has something to do (super casual office, couple other kids there)
>come home with stepdaughter one night
>door is locked
>chain is on
>there's no food, I'm not letting you in until you come back with food
>just paid the bills
>bought $200 of groceries 2 days ago
>tl;dr another 6 months of grief later I was finally divorced and she was gone
>she moved back to Texas and her old husband
>she doesn't want her daughter
>he doesn't want his daughter
>20 years old single dad with a 5yo stepdaughter
>fuck the step she's my daughter now
>me and Haley against the fucking world

>Life rolls on
>last summer
>I'm 27, she's 12
>mostly a good kid, so far no signs of the crazy
>huge tomboy
>cut her long hair off with scissors when she was home alone 3 years before and won't grow it out, won't wear dresses, into games and theater
>think she may end up into girls, cool with me
>super pretty girl underneath all that
>ariving her home from rehearsal
>light turns yellow ahead
>start to speed up but realize I'm not gonna make the red
>hit the brakes a little hard
parental instinct, my right arm shoots out to protect her from the inertia or whatever
>she lurches forward a bit
>chest presses up against my forearm/hand
>ask if she's okay
>she says her chest is just really sore for some reason

>I'm not as dumb as I used to be, I know what's up
>talk things over with Haley once we get home
>she'd had her period for a few months
>had been borrowing pads from a friend and hiding them
>we have always been pretty open, I don't try to shield her from life/the world
>ask her why she wanted to hide things
>she doesn't want me to worry about her
pride moment
seriously though fuck that let's get you equipped
>father/daughter research time
>she settles on trying out tampons.
>off to CVS
>girl shit aisle
>get the most futuristic looking Starfleet issue and hopefully smallest tampons on the market
>home again
>she says she's got this,
>heads into bathroom
>mission accomplished
>next up, underwear
>shop online for training bra
>not too hard
>she asks me if we can get some more grownup bottoms too
>uh what
>"like these"
>she clicks on some boyshort/boxers for girls types
>daughter is now fully outfitted to deal with puberty
>this funny little punk of a kid is going to be a woman
>summer continues
>things are going pretty rad
>checking in with her now and then to make sure all is well
>shit's good
>fall and winter pass by
>April 2014
>pretty sure she's already getting taller
>might just be me being a dad
notice after a while that her training bras aren't showing up in the laundry much
>maybe she just doesn't feel like she needs them yet
>meanwhile, she spends more and more time in the bathroom at night/morning
>whatever she's almost a teenager
>wake up early with the need for pee
>enter bathroom
>she's in there
no shirt on
>but I don't see anything because
>she's almost finished wrapping up her chest with binding tape
avert my eyes, apologize, leave room
>she follows me out immediately also apologizing
>look back at her and we just stare at each other for a few seconds
>me in pajama pants and shirtless, her in boy shorts and breast binding tape
>we both start cracking up for no real reason
>share a good laugh and catch our breath
>for real though Haley what's with the tape?
>she's doing a boy part in the show at a local community theatre
>she was worried about losing the part because she was growing
>I just bought you those training bras?
>"No dad...
>"I mean Ive been GROWING
>drop my eyes without thinking
>there is a very noticeable curve under the tape
>recall that her mother had an enormous but firm rack
>I see
>but why at home?
>"just you know... Didn't want you to worry about me
>this again
>you're my kid, just be yourself. I mean I want to know you for the woman you're becoming.
>remembering those words now
>maybe not the best phrasing
hug it out
>thanks dad
>I have my pee
give her back the bathroom
>"hey dad"
>whats up
>asks if I can help her get the tape started unwinding
>oh sure
>find the ridge where its tucked in the back
pull it out and unwind one loop
>already a bare inch of cleavage peeks out of the top
>"that's good, thanks"
>leave the bathroom
>I am impure
put it out of mind
>she stops wearing the tape at home
>give her some cash for a few bigger bras
>there is a solid C cup range developing
>don't know if it's even ready to slow down
>she is otherwise still this skinny pixie cut boyish attitude kid
>comes home one day
>wants to sit down and talk about something
>she says it's not a big deal but would I feel weird if she just called me by my first name for a while just to try it
>Sure, call me whatever you want
>"I still love you though"
>I know, love you too. Want some dinner?
>she asks if we can go out someplace
>Yeah, why not, let's have a treat, where do you want to go?
>"can you pick a place while I shower and get dressed and stuff?"
>"can I still call you by your first name?
>kick back, browse 4chan while she does her thing
>"Ready to go Ben?
>She's wearing a little A-Line dress and pumps
>I haven't seen her in a dress in years
>no words
>she blushes but laughs and punches me in the shoulder
>Took it from the costume shop
>lets go to dinner
>intended to go to Chevy's (she loves mex)
>opt for a nicer little cantina type place instead
>dinner is fun, catching up on her school life and her theatre gossip which is pretty funny
>"hey um I just want to tell you too because you're a dad and I don't want you to worry about me, so just so you know I'm not really into any guys or dating anyone or anything
>wasn't worried about it, just tell me if you do decide to go for it
>you know if you were interested in girls that's okay too
>yeah, I mean maybe...
>tells she has a girlfriend that she kind of has a crush on
>but she has this whole other feeling when she sees a guy that she likes
>like a really really strong feeling
>so why don't you ask him out?
>she doesn't know if he likes her in that way
>anyway its complicated
>well, ifs meant to happen it will, and you're too cool not to like
>"thanks but am I cute too?"
>the cutest
>i you were my age and not related or anything and I asked you out would you say yes?
>yeah in a heartbeat kid
>"we're not actually related though I guess, right?"
>I'm still your dad
>she knows and she loves me
>end of dinner
>return home
and now we wait