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Category: /x/

Page 13 / 30
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Nevada desert thing

/k/ommando tells us the story of his recent adventures

Score: 7

Anon is the spoop

Anon makes up a story about the school bathroom being haunted

Score: 0

Adams Lake

Anon and his family go camping at Adams Lake

Score: 4

Tombs of Okinawa

Marine Anon investigates a girl walking into the jungle

Score: 7

Killer in the woods

Anon's cousin tells him the tale of a killer in the woods while they're camping

Score: 6

Joshua Tree (Part 1)

Marine /k/ommando goes camping in Joshua Tree National Park

Score: 3

Joshua Tree (Part 2)

Someone looks for more information on the Marine /k/ommando

Score: 1

Oklahoma Aliums

Anon shares his alien story from 20 years of living in rural Oklahoma

Score: 6

Arizona Rockhound

Anon's grandpa explores a cave in the Arizona Mountains

Score: 3

Afghan beast

Anon sees some shit while deployed in Afghanistan

Score: 6

/k/ goes hunting skinwalkers

What happens when /k/ teams up to hunt skinwalkers

Score: 1

Nevada Shriek

Britanon hears something weird while driving through Nevada

Score: 5

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