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Category: /x/

Page 14 / 30
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Summer of the Ninja

Anon decides one summer that he is a ninja

Score: 7


Anon works for AAA, and shares some of his spooky tales

Score: 9

Anon tries to fall asleep

Anon tries to fall asleep

Score: 1

Anon sees an old abandoned car

Score: 5

Just the head

Anon sees a disembodied head while thrashing about in his grandparents old house

Score: 6

The JuJu Man

Anon and a buddy fuck about with a ouija board

Score: 5

The taiga monster

Anon hears something while surveying for gas in Siberia

Score: 4

Iowa Disappearing house

Anon sees a nice house while out for a drive

Score: 4

Uncle Jake

Anon's Uncle sees the devil

Score: 8


Anon talks to someone over morse code

Score: 5

Cabin Memories (Part 1)

Anon asks his dad why they don't go to the cabin any more

Score: 4

Cabin Memories (Part 2)

Anon asks his dad why they don't go to the cabin any more

Score: 3

« < 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 > »