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Florida landnav

Anon is training in Florida and something is following them

Score: 8


Japanon describes his encounter with a Yokai

Score: 4

Anon hikes around Fort Hood

Anon goes for a hike in the woods around Fort Hood and some creepy stuff happens. After getting lost, he hears a disembodied voice try to talk to him

Score: 3

Canyon Killer

Anon talks about his experience with a serial killer

Score: 4

Deer Carcass

Anon finds a dead deer while walking in the woods.

Score: 1

Axeman of New Orleans

An old time photographer accidentally captures something creepy.

Score: 3

Anon plays in the Catholic woods behind the Catholic school

Anon is playing with friends in a wooded area behind a Catholic school after getting detention. His friends notice a monster in the woods and all run away.

Score: 8

Anon hears a child say "hello"

Anon is sleeping at his parents' house and hears a looped recording of a child saying "hello" at the front door.

Score: 4

Anon is concerned about his boomer friend going hunting alone

Anon works at a hunting supply store and is friends with a boomer who goes hunting alone. One night he gets a weird phone call from his phone that is NOT the boomer and the boomer doesn't come the next day. He later finds out that the boomer lost his phon

Score: 7

MP anon patrols an army base in Korea

Anon is an MP stationed at an army base in Korea. While on patrol, he picks up radio static that when played back mentioned a Sargeant who died fighting at that location during the Korean War.

Score: 2

Anon gets stuck in the luggage rack

Anon is riding a bus and sits on the luggage rack. He nearly falls into some kind of portal. He remembers it being a few minutes, but others insist he lost 15 minutes.

Score: 2

Herby the dog

Anon's teacher asks if he wants to see Herby the dog

Score: 2

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