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Skinwalker anon has a run-in with campers +4 -

the turn has tabled posted 08/03/13

Categories: /x/

Yeah? Well fuck you.
>bunch of humans come camping in my woods
>light a fire made from my treebros
>they'e really loud all night
>can't sleep with this shit
>go over and give them the eye
>they haventt noticed me and they're all standing around gagging
>one girl throws up
>ok I may have slept in a hollowed out deer carcass last night but it can't be that bad
>everyone is vomitting now
>this is just rude
>I make my presence known
>they all just gawk at me whispering things to each other
>canit quite make out what they're saying so i repeat what i think it is to get some comformation
>they all freak the fuck out
>one guy shoots me in the leg
>motherfuckers shot me
>right they're not getting away with this
>steal one guys skin and kill them all whilst wearing his smile lol