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Mabel +9 -

Anon blows a tire at night and goes to a nearby house for help.

Categories: /x/ , ghost

no creepy thread? FOR SHAME!
>be me about 6 years ago
>on my way home from the movies
>bad storm that night. rainy and windy as fuuu
>swerve to avoid a fallen tree branch
>just barely clip it with the rear left tire
>tire blows
pull over and turn on the hazard lights
>get out to inspect damage
>raining so hard feels like at a water park under one of those huge dump buckets
>open the trunk
>mfw the spare is lat
>no cell phone cuz live in redneck ass area with no reception
>see 2 house with a couple lights on bout an 1/8 mile down the road and start walking
>house looks as old as abe lincoln but not too creepy cuz as i said that area was redneck as hell and most houses ar old as shit
>knock on door and a lil old lady answers
>tell her about the car trouble and ask to use the phone
>she points me to the kitchen
>pick up the phone and call for a tow
>hang up and then receive the best hot chocolate of my life from the little old lady
>see the tow truck drive past the house towards the car bout half an hour later
>thank the old lady and say goodbye then walked down the road to my car
>car gets hooked up and tow truck guy drives me and my crippled car home
>get the tire and spare replaced first thing next morning
>decide to go back and thank the old lady again
>mfw where dafug did the house go?
>sure i'm in the right spot
>nothing but an old stone chimney there
>no walls, no foundation, no wood, nothin but a damn chimney
>....and one of those historic landmark signs
evidently the house that was in that spot was an old bed and breakfast for travelers.
according to landmark sign it burnt down in 1927
>the b&b's owner, all old lady by the name of mabel, was trapped inside and but to death
thank you mabel. wish there were more people like you