Guess I'll do an OG one, cause this is the worst greentext thread Ive seen, so, I guess my mid green text will be ok. >Be me, wagie with a terrible job. Have to wake up next day at 6AM >in bed at around 11 PM, exhausted, but I cant sleep. Fuck around on phone for a while. >Around 1AM now, say fuck it, I am just going to lay still in a position with my eyes closed until I force myself to go to sleep or I will kms in the morning >Even though I still feel restless, and my mind cant shut off, my eyes are really heavy. First time Ive ever felt ie this. Despite wanting to move, I don't. >Eventually start hearing voices, just random shit, at first it startled me, but I was so tired, I just started to ignore it. Voices saying my name, random numbers, random sentences that didn't really make sense, don't care. Shut the fuck up, I want to go to sleep. >All of a sudden, sharp ring in both my ears, like MW2 flashbang, I shoot up out of my bed. >it's really hard to move, like when your leg falls asleep but all over my body. Edges of my vision are jagged with black. Convinced I am literally dying and need to get help. >I feel 100 percent awake, this is reality. My feet feel the wood of the floor. I see myself in my bed room mirror opposite of my bed. >Make my way to my bed room door, to tell my roommate to call 911 or to help me or some shit. >Grasp door knob, have to use the full force of my body to open the door. >Doing this, I lost balance and fell into my closet. I'm on the floor. >Cant get back up >I say, fuck it, I'm dead. >I was 99% sure I was awake, but out of a type of desperation, "Hey, maybe this isn't it." clawed on the floor to grasp it. Realize it has the texture of my blanket. >Wake up back in my bed. >Tweak out and tell roommate about what happened. >Said he heard some type of crash in my room minutes before Most /x/ thing that happened to me I guess.