>Have this dream >in a factory >Typical wacky dream shit going on >Go through the backdoor of the factory >Walk out into a sort of Disney cartoon >A bit like on Who Framed Roger Rabbit when Valiant is in Toontown >Don't like it >Has this weird sort of opera/choir kind of music in the background >But it's really foreboding and eerie >Whole place feels foreboding and eerie >Start panicking >See phone booth >Use phone booth >Call myself to come rescue myself >Wake up sweating >Time to get up anyway >Go downstairs >See I have message on answering machine >Play message >it's the same music from the dream and someone talking but you can't make out what's being said >Message was received just before I woke up >Maybe I called my house phone with my mobile while I was sleeping like some kind of muscle memory thing >Although that wouldn't explain the background music >Remember my mobile was downstairs charging the whole night anyway Link related, its the voicemail. https://voca.ro/13QtZg1ZraD tl;dr I called myself from a dream I think