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Damn crazy Bum +2 -

Anon talks to a bum who claims to be a medium.

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Here's mine
>Walk home from bar at around midnight in January. (not much of a drinker.)
>Walk past bum (classic looking bum brown ratty shirt bag of unknown alcohol The only thing missing is bags on his freaking
feet) who starts walking with me striking up a conversation
>Just having normal conversation about things like weather and the price of alcohol and women once loved.
>Out of blue bum says "They're watching you, you know? They watch us all."
>Think "lol crazy gubment/aliums bum" smile and ask "who?".
>Bum looks at me and says "Your ancestors, they can see all the good and bad things you did".
>A little weird but ok ask bum "really and how do you know and what do they say?
>Bum says he was a medium who could see distant dead relatives. Says ancestors are proud of me and not to worry about
life so much.
>Bum says demons constantly follow him and get him to do bad things to living people as "balance for the good he can tell
them about their dead relatives.
>Get home and bid bum goodbye as I go to my apartment.
>Go up to apartment and go to bed.
>Around 430 get up to pee.
>Look out window and same bum just standing across the street staring at my apartment building.
>Think it's weird but fuck it go back to bed.
>Wake up to natures call again at around 530 (damn alchohol) look out window and bum is trying to scale the bricks up to
my window (live on third floor so not to high)
>Call cops.
>Cops come and escort bum away.
Not a very scary ending but the thought of someone standing in the cold staring at where I live for hours then finally trying to
break in freaks me the hell out.