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Edith +5 -

An old hag comes for anon when he stays at his grandma's

Categories: /x/

>Be very young, like maybe 4 or 5
>Staying at grandmother's house while we are in process of moving
>Have to sleep alone upstairs
>Wake up at night and hear someone coming up the stairs
>Call out "Tommy?" as I think its my brother
>Hear a sick raspy breathing, followed by lip smacking and then moaning
>Look out open bedroom down down dark hallway
>See hunched over shape slowly ascending staircase
>I'm literally paralyzed with fear
>I still remember that kind of fear, primal, blinding in it's ferocity
>I remember the words it started to say to me as it shambled down the hall toward my room, but! honesty can't type them. I'm literally tearing up as I think about them
>I could see it out there in the dim hall-light, it was a woman, a very, VERY old woman, like, mummified woman
>Suddenly from down the hall my grandma appears, leaning on her cane
>"Edith, you'll not touch him.
>The old "hag" stops in the hall
>You will leave this house Edith! You no longer live here!"
>I pass out
>The next morning ital felt like a dream, but ask my grandma anyway
>Hesitantly, she says it was just an old witch" who used to live in the house before my grandparents bought tn the 50's
>Tells me to never speak of it again
>Nothing strange every happened in that house again