Hello anons, how was your sleep? I had a dream about dreaming. In it, I was following a documentary of sorts which went as follows > When you dream, your imaginary field of vision is divided into three parts > Left field, right field and central field > These fields are perceived differently by the brain > Left and right fields act as a background of sorts. For example, if your dream takes place in a forest, you will see a faint image of trees on the edges of your vision > The central field is by far the most important as it contains the topic of your dream, stuff you're focused on and your brain has to process the most > Central field is always last to appear when falling asleep and first to disappear when waking up. I's crucial in the process of waking up. > Throughout the dream, you aren't really aware of the fields, your brain processes them subconsciously and kinda expects them to be there. > But sometimes one of them isn't > In vast majority of cases, you will form all three fields > In result, you end up with mostly normal dreams which can be pleasant, unpleasant and everything in between > There is however a small chance that one of your "side fields doesn't form > Throughout your dream, the brain knows that something is not right, but can't figure out what > In result, you feel uneasy and stressed out throughout your whole dream > It doesn't cause nightmares, more like your normal dreams become sadder and more strenuous because of this primal sense of unease > But this isn't the worst that could happen > By a long shot. > Since shit really hits the fan when your central field goes missing > It happens very rarely, much rarer than disappearance of side fields > Your brain doesn't know what's going on or what to do. > It only sees the faint background of the side fields > In an attempt not to break down, it desperately fills out the center field based on the information contained within the background > The results are nightmarish, kinda like what you get from these Al face drawing generators but much weirder > This weird shit becomes the main topic of your dream > But it isn't a normal dream since there's no proper central field, just the background and central field mock-up. It doesn't have structure or even wacky dream logic, its just a cacophonic mess > Brain that was already in panic mode freaks out > But it can't stop drawing the central field > Brain freaks out even more > This death cycle continues, with the brain getting more and more paranoid > Since there's no proper central part, you can't wake yourself up > The person having a dream is engulfed in feelings of raw terror, psychosis and hopelesness, from which one cannot escape > The documentary proceeds to show a simulation of what it's like > I see all three fields > On the sides there's a boring landscape of grass and grey sky > In the middle I see a weird mashup of those elements, combined with some others that the background didn't have > I was sure I could see a black outline of a person in this jumbled mess > As the lecturer said, began feeling very uneasy > All I hear is intrusive, unbearable buzzing > Kinda like a fly that flew into your ear and got trapped > Buzzing gets louder and louder > Wake up.